TESTIMONIALS Hear what our students have to say about their learning experience
Adeline Victoria Junior College
Fabriana A1 and 6 points for O levels L1R5
Megan Raffles Junior College
Celynn Raffles Junior College
Nicole Ithaca College
Kimberly B4 to A1
Magdalene University of Buffalo
Charissa Hwa Chong Junior College
“Dear Mr Chen, being your student for 2 years, i have known you as a caring and patient teacher. Always dedicated, you never fail to try your best to answer my questions. It is also with much appreciation that i would like to thank you for your exam stress free notes. They really did help a lot in aiding me to calm down before the exam. Through your guidance, i am what i have become today. Thank you for that. P.S. I have managed to get into Victoria Junior College and i thank you for that. Always keeping you in my memories.” - Fabriana
“Thank you Mr Chen (: It was great to have a teacher like you too! Thanks for helping me get an A1 in Science at the end of the year even though i got C6 for the first common test. It's been a great joy being taught by you (: Hope to see you again (: We will surely miss you!” - Gabrielle
“Mr Chen taught me during secondary 3 and 4 for N level science. I knew i wanted to apply for a polytechnic course in engineering but my interest in Sciences was low, my standard was very weak and i often failed. My best effort was only a C5. Mr Chen was really clear and patient with me. He helped me with understanding the difficult concepts and the techniques of answering examination questions. I was very grateful that i was able to score a distinction in my N level Science due to Mr Chen's big help!
His impact was seen when i thought i could move on to O levels without tuition. To my horror, i did badly and had to repeat O levels in a private institution. This time, i took no chances and requested for Mr Chen's help again. In the short 1 year, Mr Chen was always ready to encourage me to believe in myself. He was strict with his marking and expectations. After that 1 year of very hard work, i was able to get a distinction again ... Thank you Mr Chen (:” - Timothy
“Mr Chen is definitely one of the most passionate and patient teachers I've ever had. Being a rather slow learner, Mr Chen has never given up on me but instead, pushed me to work even harder and guided me through my work and revision. He goes out of his way to help those who require extra assistance and never fails to make his lessons both fun and engaging, with the aim of motivating us as well sparking off our interest in the subject. I've seen my grades improved tremendously under his guidance and this would not have been possible if he had not had faith in me. Mr Chen is definitely a teacher who is sincere in his teaching and wants the best for his students. The help i've received during my journey leading up to the O levels has played a crucial part in helping me secure the grades i've received. He is one teacher i am truly thankful for.” - Celynn
“Mr Chen was a teacher who has left a deep impression in my heart because of his eagerness to teach and willingness to reach out to every student in need. I vividly remember his patience in guiding me in areas where I was struggling with, and how he tried various methods in a bid to help me understand concepts with different perspectives. Even though Chemistry was a subject I was not particularly fond of, I was able to face my uncertainties and doubts without hesitance because I could approach Mr Chen for help. Unlike some teachers who exhibited intimidation when students are not able to grasp the idea of a theory or concept, Mr Chen was thoughtful and persistent in his teaching and did not give up on me. Overall, his teaching and presence as a teacher really improved my learning and made and impact on my education because it motivated me to ask more questions and clear my doubts whenever the need arises, and not be afraid to fail in the process of working towards greater success and accomplishment. ” - Magdalene
“Mr Chen was my teacher for 2 years. To me, the subject was a boring and dry one to learn. But Mr Chen managed to make lessons interesting by engaging students through promising a video at the end of every lesson. It gave me something to look forward for lessons and at the same time I found myself paying attention to his lesson. He is also very helpful as he welcomes questions even after class ends and ensures that students understands concepts well. He is also very patient in explaining difficult concepts and tries different ways to let students understand difficult concepts. To me, he was an excellent and dedicated teacher who puts students before himself and I thank him for the effort he has invested in me.” - Adeline
“Mr Chen was my teacher for 3 years, and throughout those times he has been nothing less than helpful. He was always clear and patient in his explanations, and even spent extra time re-explaining concepts to us, especially when exams were around the corner. We were never encouraged to simply use rote memorization, but rather to properly understand what we were learning. Even though we (as a class) would sometimes get really tired and unenthusiastic, Mr Chen was always earnest in his teaching, and with his perseverance, we as a class slowly worked our way up. In fact, sometimes I think Mr Chen worked harder than we students did, even though he wasn’t the one sitting for the O levels. And even though we sometimes failed to do as well as expected, Mr Chen never gave up on us, but continued to encourage us to do better. This really meant a lot to me, especially since I was still getting Bs at the Prelim exams and was very worried about not being able to improve in time. I was never the best student, but with his unending offering of help and support to us students, I am proud to say that I managed to graduate with an A1 at the O levels. Thanks so much Mr Chen!” - Nicole
“Mr Chen was my teacher for 2 years. He is no doubt an amazing teacher but to me, the part about his attitude that I find so admirable is his perseverance and never-daunted spirit. He is extremely knowleageable at what he teaches and when we pay attention, we find that he teaches us more than what we are required to know many a times. Mr Chen had been a very important teacher to me back then because the transition of Science from primary school to Secondary 1 was too tremendous and it was because of him that I have a passion for the subject today and it became the subject I loved so greatly and strived to do best in for 5 years all the way to JC and hopefully, university. He had also been an amazing form teacher and he really did go the extra mile to try and understand us better.” - Megan
“As the first year of upper secondary went by, I noticed my grades falling and the amount of effort necessary to memorize all the facts becoming more and more demanding. So I spoke to Mr Chen about it and I learnt, as a student who merely cared not for the subject but only for the grade, how important it was to truly understand what I was learning. Mr Chen changed my perspective of Science from a mere subject to an ever changing and fluid form of life. I will always be thankful to mr Chen for being more than just a teacher but a mentor and friend.” - Charissa
"Under the tutelage of Mr Chen, Happy’s Science result has improved tremendously. She has scored 88 marks for her last SA2. Most importantly, she has gained confidence in Science as Mr Chen explains the questions & answers clearly to the students. He teaches them techniques on how to approach the questions and answers the students’ queries in a simplifed manner. Although the materials may look complex, Happy is able to comprehend and apply the skills that she has learnt. Mr Chen is approachable and has no qualms for Happy to bring her schoolwork or any related topics for discussion. He shows genuine concern by contacting me regularly to update me on Happy’s progress. Being a working mother, it really helps me to lessen my load since I know that Happy is in good hands. It allows me to have more time to focus on other subjects with her.